Hard on the heels of the Rev’d Brian’s institution was the service of
Confirmation. On Sunday 5 May at 11:30 am in St Peter’s Church, ten
young people were confirmed: Lily, Megan, Henry, Peter, Bethlehem,
Nathan, Darragh, Charlie, Patrick and Harriet. Please remember them
in your prayers.

The service was conducted by the Archbishop. St Nicholas’ choir,
augmented by singers from the Drogheda group, led the singing.
Thank you to all who took part: those who travelled to sing, Wendy,
our organist and Sharon and Evelyn, conductor and director. As eight
of the ten candidates were classmates, the students of St Peter’s
National School sang one of the hymns on their own. Thank you Ms
Atkinson and Ms McKenna for preparing them and supporting them.
Thank you too to Ian, chaplain in Dundalk Grammar for his teaching
and support of the candidates. Normally, the churches present bibles
or prayer books to the newly confirmed; this year, prayer books have
been anonymously donated. Thank you, donor, for your generous gift.
