4 min read

In Touch – May 2024

The Occasional Newsletter of Drogheda, Ardee and Kilsaran Unions of Parishes

Estimated 4 min read



Congratulations to John Craig and Kathy McGuinness, who were
married in St Mary’s Church, Castlebellingham on 18th April.


The big occasion in our church life was meeting our new rector, the
Rev’d Brian O’Reilly, his wife, Karen and their son, Cillian. Brian’s
Institution was on Friday 26th April, in St Peter’s. The service,
conducted by the Archbishop, with the Archdeacon, the Registrar and
Dean of Armagh, was attended by many visiting clergy, civic
representatives, community representatives, Brian’s former
colleagues, his family and of course, our own congregation. Cillian,
Brian’s son, read one of the lessons, Brian’s friend, the Rev’d Carlton
Baxter, preached. The music was led by a choir with members from St
Nicholas’, Dundalk and many of our own singers from the various
parishes. Wendy played beautifully, Stephen Macnamara accompanied
the ‘wandering hymn’ and all was held together under the able
direction of Ms Sharon Eveson, whom I had asked to sing the solo
part of the introit. Thank you, Hazel, for organising the mini-bus
which saved many parking spaces. Service over, rector now firmly in
place, we enjoyed a lovely meal, organised by Carlos, Helen, Jill and
many helpers. Thank you to all who contributed both to the service
and the meal. Many of us gathered again on Sunday 28th to hear Brian
take his first service: every time I squeeze an orange, I will remember
his line about what you should get when you squeeze a Christian.


Hard on the heels of the Rev’d Brian’s institution was the service of
Confirmation. On Sunday 5 May at 11:30 am in St Peter’s Church, ten
young people were confirmed: Lily, Megan, Henry, Peter, Bethlehem,
Nathan, Darragh, Charlie, Patrick and Harriet. Please remember them
in your prayers.

The service was conducted by the Archbishop. St Nicholas’ choir,
augmented by singers from the Drogheda group, led the singing.
Thank you to all who took part: those who travelled to sing, Wendy,
our organist and Sharon and Evelyn, conductor and director. As eight
of the ten candidates were classmates, the students of St Peter’s
National School sang one of the hymns on their own. Thank you Ms
Atkinson and Ms McKenna for preparing them and supporting them.
Thank you too to Ian, chaplain in Dundalk Grammar for his teaching
and support of the candidates. Normally, the churches present bibles
or prayer books to the newly confirmed; this year, prayer books have
been anonymously donated. Thank you, donor, for your generous gift.


All the Easter General Vestry meetings have now been held. Thank
you to those who have so willingly offered their services to the
church: its people and its buildings.


The newly-baptized, those making their confirmation vows, the
ministry of our new rector, the Rev’d Brian O’Reilly, those known to
us who are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness or any other adversity.
We pray also for peace in the Middle East and Ukraine and all those
places where men and women suffer because of human greed, lust for
power, hatred and fear.


Thank you all for all your support and kindness during the vacancy. It
has been a privilege to work with people who can disagree without
having to quarrel, who are honest enough to speak truth to my face,
who are welcoming to strangers and, above all, who remain faithful to
their church and their faith. I wish you all and our new rectory family,
every blessing and fulfilment in the future.


ST. PETER’S CLOSE – proceeds of which will go to both Homeless Aid and
The Women’s Refuge in Drogheda.



Rev’d Brian O’Reilly,

The Rectory, St. Peter’s Close, Drogheda

Email: bmgor@icloud.com

Tel: 086 2230271

Rev’d Canon Joyce Moore,

Dunleer, Co. Louth

Email: am.drogheda@armagh.anglican.org

Tel: (041) 6851327 /087


If you have any contributions/noteworthy dates which you would like included in

In Touch please email details to hazelspearman@icloud.com