February is the month when the Register of Vestrymen is updated. To be on
the register, and therefore eligible to serve on the Select Vestry, a person
needs to sign a document stating that:
1 He/she is a member of the Church of Ireland
2 Is resident in the parish or an accustomed member of the parish
3 Is not registered as a vestry member of any other parish
The Diocese also recommends that the person contributes, traceably, at least
€50 per annum to the parish finances; (ie via weekly envelope, cheque, bank
transfer etc)
Please Note The €50 referenced above may have been contributed by the envelope system, as a car park fee, as a summer fair offering, towards the sustentation fund etc. It is merely another indicator of a bona fide member of the church.
On 26th February, after the services in St Peter’s, St Mary’s Ardee and
Dunleer, the register will be updated in each church by the churchwardens
and the officiating priest. Please consider registering; registering as a vestry
member means that you are a full member of the church family and eligible
to serve on the Select Vestry if elected at the Easter General Vestry. Your
service ensure that the church continues for future generations.