Hallelujah! Tredagh Singers return with a joyful concert for Alzheimer Centre
Tredagh Singers, Drogheda’s longest established and most successful mixed voice choir, returns to action after the long pandemic imposed break with a concert in St. Peter’s Church of Ireland on May 27th at 8pm which will include the Hallelujah Corus and other excerpts from Handel’s Messiah.
“It will certainly be a joyful affair and the choir will be joined by our local orchestral friends and invited soloists for festive excerpts from Handel’s Messiah, pieces which we were all set to present last Christmas before yet another Covid wave swept that plan, like so many another, away” said choir spokesperson, Niall Fox.
“The Messiah is, however, a moveable feast, so these pieces will now resound on an early summer evening for a change. There is no time of year when great music should not be heard.
“The choir has worked hard in the background since Christmas and is currently in top form. We have also recently perfected Karl Jenkins’ tremendously exciting ‘Exsultate Jubilate’ and premiered our own performance of it in a recent concert in Clontarf, garnering great praise from those present.
“Along with those, quite a few other new pieces will also be presented on the night. Behind all this progress, of course, is our talented conductor Geraldine Doggett, who has for many years fulfilled this role with her usual jovial charisma.
“Our planned concert will raise much welcome funds for The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Drogheda Branch.
“Tredagh’s many local followers will know what to expect, especially those used to hearing us at our long established Christmas concerts, but if you have never heard us, give us a try on 27 May and you will most likely be surprised and delighted by the standard to which we and our friends perform.