20221 min read

The year 2022 was fully occupied with restoration of the plasterwork. The seating, organ, pulpit and lectern were protected and impressive birdcage scaffolding was erected through the interior of the Church allowing close access to the ceiling and surrounding walls. Damaged plaster and damaged wooden laths were identified and removed. Replacement wooden laths were located and fashioned to suit the curved windows. Conservation grade plaster was applied in three layers allowing several weeks to dry out between each layer. Damaged moulding was removed. New moulding and plaster ribs were purpose made and installed. An outer plaster skim was applied. The ceiling and walls were then hand cleaned to prepare for painting. Painting of the ceiling began in October 2022 and a conservation grade distemper was applied to allow water vapour to penetrate and pass through the plasterwork. During winter 2002 to 2023 the Church heating system was repaired and dehumidifiers were used to dry out the plasterwork