Category: Parish Events

  • Confirmation Classes

    The Archbishop has given us a date for Confirmation: Sunday 5 June at 11:30 in St. Peter’s. We plan to start in St Peter’s Parish Hall on 1 March at 6 pm CONFIRMATION CLASSES TUESDAYS 6-7 pm on 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 MARCH and 3, 10, 17, 24 MAY, REHEARSAL IN CHURCH, TUESDAY 31…

  • Lenten Lunches in St. Peter’s

    LENTEN LUNCHES (now in their twelfth year!) will be served every Wednesday Lenten Lunches CANCELLED Due to the Coronavirus and government guidance in relation to gatherings, we regret to announce that the remainder of the Lenten Lunches run by St Peters (C of I) in support of Homeless Aid Drogheda are cancelled. These lunches held…

  • St Peter’s Summer Fair – 11:30 to 15:00

    St Peter’s Church of Ireland  Summer Fair 2018 Saturday, 20th July 11:30 to 15:00 in the grounds of St Peter’s Church Usual Stalls: Cakes, Crafts, Jams, Books Bottle Stall, Barbecue, Games Teas and much more ALL WELCOME

  • Weekly Events Drogheda Union of Parishes

    Events happening through the weeks at St.Peter’s Parish Hall and Church Drogheda. Inquiries about any of these facilities and their availability should be made by email to or tel: +353 (0)41 9838791. Sundays Church Service’s: 8:15 am and 11:30am. All welcome. Mondays Yoga with Gra 10:30 – 11:30 Gra O’Kane 086-8290835 Jap Yoga Meditation…

  • Les Feuilles Mortes Concert in Collon Church of Ireland

      Tickets €20 ( Incl. of refreshments after concerts and Contribution towards Church repair)  For more information for tickets contact Dorothy by email:

  • Harvest Drogheda 16:00pm

  • Harvest Dunany 16:00pm (Kilsaran Union)

  • St Peter’s Drogheda Family Service BBQ in Rectory Grounds

    St. Peter’s Family Service Sunday 10th Septmeber 2017.  BBQ in Rectory Grounds.  All parishes Welcome to Join us.   For more information contact Revd Iain Jamieson. Clergy Revd. Iain Jamieson, St Peter’s Rectory, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9870073 mob 083 8640133 email:

  • St Peter’s Church – Big Clean

    Big Clean in St Peters Church of Ireland Drogheda.  Saturday 2nd September 2017.  All help greatly appreciated.  For more information contact Revd Iain Jamieson. Clergy Revd. Iain Jamieson, St Peter’s Rectory, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9870073 mob 083 8640133 email:

  • Saturday 17 June 2017 Garden Party Collon House from 2.00pm to 5.00pm

    Garden Party Collon House from 2.00pm to 5.00pm on Saturday 17th June 2017. Lourdes Brass Band, Refreshments,Cake Sales, Childrens Activities,Guided Historic Walk. Admission 15 Euro Children Free. Contact Ruth Strahan 0860623281 for Tickets.