This year has been especially difficult for anyone bereaved. Since March 2020, funerals were restricted, the usual support of family, friends, neighbours and church were not available. During our online memorial service on Sunday 1st March we wish to honour the memory of close relatives of parishioners and to support the bereaved
The Rev’d Canon Joyce Moor
January can be a difficult month: the message that Christmas is long over is hammered home by the dreary task of taking down the Christmas decorations. Add the horrors of a more virulent COVID and a stringent lockdown: it would be so easy to slip into depression.
There’s an old hymn that makes a great deal of sense in these trying times:
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
The Rev’d Iain Jamieson
Modern psychotherapists often recommend ‘mindfulness’: a mental discipline that, at its simplest, is the awareness of the present moment.
Mindfulness is a form of counting present blessings, yearning neither for some past or future state.
How good it was to watch the dignity of President Biden’s inauguration. He has a gargantuan task ahead.
Miracles do happen: who, living through the horror of ‘the troubles’ could have imagined the good work done by Messrs. Paisley and McGuinness?
So we live in hope for despair is unchristian.